作者:cfsbcn 編輯:中國廚房設備網 來源:m.a3251.cn
Established in 2002,Aceplus International Limited engages in the sales of foodservice equipments and the agent services. The core of our business is to provide high-quality products and the best service to our customers. We are thinking of what customer’s need and what they concern about.
Our products:
Our products lines of foodservice equipments includes electric and gas products, which are widely used in restaurants, hotels, snack bars, chain store and coffee shops etc. For the time being, we mainly sell our products to U.S.A. and European market, and will meanwhile explore the other worldwide markets as one of our development plans.
Our services:
Aceplus also works as a reliable agent for foreign buyers. We provide factories sourcing, product research and development, order follow-up, technical inspection before shipment, custom declaration and shipment services. All these will be completed by our professional staff. The whole process of each transaction will be under the supervision of Aceplus to ensure the transaction goes smoothly.
Our advantages:
- Complete product line and reliable quality
- Advanced manufacturing facilities
- Powerful R&D team
- Effective production management system
- Technical support and spare parts supply.
- Attention to details and prompt service
Contact information:
Ace Plus International Ltd.
Rm.1104, Fuli Tianhe Commercial Building, #4 HuaTing Road,
Guangzhou, China. 510610
Tel: +86-20-3810 6722
Fax: +86-20-3810 6789
Email: sales@aceplus.com.cn
Website: www.aceplus.com.cn
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