中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.4.12 來源:廚房設備
SEF(Skills Enhancement Fund)
The Skills Enhancement Fund(SEF) provides finacial assistance to businesses committed to training their Indiana workforce by offering grants that reimburse a portion of a company’s eligible training costs over a two-year term. Each SEF application is evaluated on its merits, and companies may reapply for additonal SEF funds after their initial grant is successfully completed. The SEF Program is established under IC 5-28-7.
Eligible Companies
? Manufacturing Companies
? Distributionl Logistics Providers
? Headquarters and other businesses that can demonstrate that a significant protion of their local revenue stems from transactions with out-of-state entities. Note:Companies conducting business within one of the industry initiatives identified at will be given higher priority.
Other Eligibility Requirements:
? Company is in good standing with all state regulatory agencies.
? Company will making a capital inestment in adiition to employee training costs.
? Company will commit to continue operations and maintain employment levels where the SEF training assistances is provides for at least five years after the training grant is completed.
? Company is not a retail establishment, a non-profit entity, or engaged in businese that is otherwise prohibited.
? Trainees must be Indiana residents who are full-time and permanent employees of the company.(i.e.,35 hours or more per week and non-temporary)
Financial Assistance and Training Parameters:
? The maximum amount awarded through the SEF program will typically not exceed 50 percent of a company’s training budget; the actual approved amount may be less than 50 percent.
? Most types of training are eligible except safely, HR/benefits orientaion, and training required by law(e.g., Commercial Driver’s License).
? Training expences eligible for reimbursement include instruction, travel and material and supply costs.
? Travel costs are limited to lodging and transportation expencess only(no food) and cannot exceed 30 percent of the total grant.
? Trainee wages are not an eligible training expences, although the wages paid to a staff trainer/instructor can be an eligible expense.
evalution Criteria:
?Capital investment being made by the company.
?Number of workers to be trained(both new and existing) and average wage levels.
?Quality and cost of the training program.
?importance of the project to Indiana’s strategic future.
?Economic need of the affected community.
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